Made with Photoshop and pictures from the internet. The end product! I had trouble finding a picture of myself to make it look like as if I was actually interacting with Upin & Ipin. So since I only had pics of me posing at the camera, I thought 'Well, why not?'. Instead of troubling myself digging through all pictures of me from the past, I took one from the more recent ones and changed from Upin & Ipin with their hands crossed on a table to them posing at the camera as well. Problem solved! I'm really proud of how this turned out. I hope you guys like it too! Salam Maulidur Rasul to all!
Most of us don't actually take typography seriously when designing posters, banners, flyers or even signboards so long as we think it looks cool or nice. As a result, you can find bad typo almost everywhere. Examples of Bad Typo As you can see in the picture above, the sign is about prioritizing our safety first. At first glance, you might not have noticed anything wrong with; except when you try to look at it from far away. Looking closely, only the words 'UTAMAKAN' was made the biggest from the rest while the word 'KESELAMATAN' was put below 'UTAMAKAN' and made smaller than half of the size of the word above it. The sign is about 'safety first', so they should have made both 'UTAMAKAN' and 'KESELAMATAN' the same size. In this picture, I would like to focus on how they emphasize the words. They used fancy fonts for the words 'Du'a' and 'OF SUCCESS' to highlight these two from the quote. However,...