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Are Zebras Black with White Stripes or White with Black Stripes?

What I think? They are white with black stripes, and here's why:

The Pattern

At first glance, you probably wouldn't notice, but most zebras have white underbellies and white inner thighs. All the white stripes you see on a zebra would come together at these two parts of the zebra's body, making them all connected to one another. However, all the black stripes on a zebra aren't connected together like the white stripes. This to me, makes me see zebras as white mammals with black stripes instead of the other way around.


When it comes to painting, do you paint white first or black? Painting white over black is a hassle. Since black is more prominent than white, your painting would always turn out grey; unless you paint the white over black repeatedly of course. But even then, the outcome is not all that satisfying. It is easier to paint black over white. Hence, you paint white first. This is why, in my opinion, zebras are white with black stripes. The white comes first, and the black comes after.

Now keep in mind that this is my honest opinion on ZEBRAS. There is absolutely nothing on this post that relates to anything controversial whatsoever.

Thank you for giving the time of your day to read this!
